Tips for Novice Entrepreneurs: Small Business Ideas to Invest In

man in yellow shirt

Starting a small business can be a great way to slowly shed off that 9-to-5 busy schedule and be your own boss. But like any other venture, this can be quite challenging and may prove to be extremely exhausting, especially if you get into a business that is already saturated in the market. Doing business in an already saturated industry means that you will have to deal with a lot of obstacles that may hinder your growth. These obstacles include low market demand, numerous competitors, and low potential for obtaining profits. Of course, if you knew that the business would not earn that much, you would probably not get into it in the first place. Hence, this is the importance of doing research first before investing in any type of venture.

If you are a novice entrepreneur and not sure which businesses are the best to invest in, below are some ideas that may fit your skills, passion, and budget. These business concepts are not yet so saturated, and there is still room for growth for every individual yearning to get a chunk of the market in these ventures.

Real Estate

The real estate industry offers investors an excellent way to earn ongoing passive income from their hard-earned capital. Because the value of real estate increases over time, this industry can offer a long-term investment that may help you build wealth in the long run. Investing in real estate can be done in different ways. It can be done by owning rental properties, investing in real estate investment groups (REIGs), purchasing stocks in real estate investment trusts (REITs), flipping houses, and joining online real estate platforms. Each of these forms of real estate investments has its own pros and cons, so it helps to do a little research first before venturing into any of these choices.


Novice entrepreneurs might not know much about the fundamentals of running a start-up business and may get a little nervous about starting a business from scratch. If you have enough funds and would want to run a business that is already proven to obtain high profits in the market, franchising an existing venture would be a good option. Franchises offer new business owners a way to own a fully branded, profit-generating business without having to worry about how to market, hire employees, and do all the other nitty-gritty jobs that come with the venture. The franchise already comes with all the strategies required to make the business grow and earn profits.

person cleaning

Cleaning Services

Busy people barely have time to cook their own food, much less scrub their toilets and kitchens. You can capitalize on the busyness of such people and offer them a service that they probably need from time to time. A cleaning service does not cost much to start, and you can work as a cleaner yourself before you can move on to hiring your own staff. Cleaning materials are easy to come by in local supermarkets, and you can easily market your business through social media and other online platforms.


This type of venture is perfect for those who do not have enough funds to obtain inventories and space for stock storage. Dropshipping allows entrepreneurs to do business without overheads. The only thing that an entrepreneur needs to do is to tap into the resources of existing businesses, market these resources, and get orders from customers. The suppliers will ship the sold items directly to the customers, and the new entrepreneur will just have to wait for commissions to be reflected in his or her account.


If you are a CPA or have a degree in accounting, business management, finance, or any related courses, you can start your own accounting business online. You can first test the waters by bidding on jobs in online job portals and see if you can get high-paying accounting positions there. Once you gain several clients, you can then grow your business gradually and hire some staff to build your accounting team. Most businesses need help with their tax preparations, bookkeeping, payroll, and financial reports, so there will always be a good market for your skills and business venture.

Starting a business usually requires capital, but you can always start small by operating your business online. The internet offers a lot of opportunities for business-minded individuals. If you have a unique skill, you can start from there and use it to earn an income. If you want to focus on selling products, you can start with dropshipping or other types of businesses until you earn enough to make your business grow.

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