Building a Construction Team: What to Do

Qualified construction workers on duty
  • Create an efficient recruitment program to identify qualified workers.
  • Provide resources and time off to obtain certifications and licenses that meet safety requirements.
  • Obtain necessary business permits for public property, safety protocols, and zoning restrictions.
  • Secure insurance coverage in case of worker injuries or illnesses due to job hazards.
  • Profit from the booming construction industry by building a successful construction team.

Entering the construction industry can be incredibly profitable. According to the United States Census Bureau, the construction sector added an estimated $1.3 trillion to the economy in 2018, accounting for 6.5% of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP). Furthermore, from 2018 to 2019, construction’s contribution to economic output increased by 3%. In addition to impacting the nation’s GDP, the construction industry is a significant job creator—it employed 7.2 million people in 2019 alone.

What’s more, there are still many potential areas for growth within this field. The American Institute of Architects (AIA) recently determined that demand for new and replacement buildings had decreased slower than initially expected during 2020 due to coronavirus-induced economic shutdowns, making it easier for businesses and individuals entering this sector to find contracts and build their reputations.

However, one critical area where you can profit is providing construction workers to meet the demand for their services. By recruiting these workers and forging partnerships with established contractors, business owners can create additional revenue streams and open up new growth opportunities. Here are a few steps to consider when building a construction team.

Identifying the Qualified Workers

Construction workers qualified for the jobWhen recruiting construction workers, it is essential to consider their qualifications. For any job in the construction industry, employers will need to review the applicant’s experience, certifications, training, and abilities.

Depending on the project, some may require specialized skills—for example, construction workers certified in hazardous materials management or have experience dealing with high-voltage electrical systems. Furthermore, they must understand correct safety protocols when working around heavy machinery and other dangerous tools. Therefore, employers should take the time to carefully evaluate each candidate’s qualifications before hiring.

In addition to the technical credentials required for a particular job in the industry, most employers prefer to hire people who can work well within a team environment and show initiative when tackling tasks independently. Construction teams often consist of people from diverse backgrounds and skill sets; thus, employers should look for candidates with good communication and problem-solving skills.

To ensure that they hire candidates with all the necessary qualifications for success as a construction worker, employers should create an efficient recruitment program with clear criteria and interview questions focusing on relevant competencies. The recruitment process will require some of the employer’s time and money, but it will be well worth it.

Help Workers Secure Certifications

Training workers for specific tasks might be easy, but ensuring they have the certifications to run them and work safely can be more complex.

Therefore, employers should consider providing their workers with the resources—including funds and time off—to obtain any certifications or licenses required by law in their jurisdiction. This will also help them meet all safety requirements set by OSHA, which is essential for a successful construction project.

Moreover, booking a CITB Test will help employees obtain the Construction Skills Certification Scheme credential, which is required for all construction workers in the United Kingdom. This certification is necessary for large-scale projects in certain countries, including America and Australia.

Getting the Necessary Business Permits

Construction site with permitsBusiness permits are essential for operating as a construction workforce service. Without these, the provider cannot offer their services legally and safely and may face costly fines or criminal charges if they do not comply with local regulations. Here are a few of them:

Permits for Working on Public Property

When working on public property—such as roads, parks, or city buildings—the construction workforce service must have the appropriate permits from state and local governments. These permits are typically issued by public works or transportation departments and should include details about the work scope.

Permits Relating to Safety Protocols

A construction workforce service must obtain all the necessary safety permits before beginning work on any project. This includes having an OSHA-approved health and safety plan that meets all applicable occupational safety standards. In addition, providers should also ensure that their workers receive proper training related to hazardous materials management or other specialized skills needed for specific job sites.

Permits for Zoning Restrictions

Providers must also obtain permits related to zoning restrictions. This involves ensuring that the workers conform to local noise pollution or traffic control ordinances while performing their duties. Depending on the location and size of the worksite, additional permits may be necessary to comply with all applicable regulations.

Obtaining Insurance for Workers’ Compensation

Finally, it is essential for an employer providing construction workforce services to obtain adequate insurance coverage in case one of their workers is injured while performing duties related to the job. Workers’ compensation insurance provides financial support for medical expenses resulting from an accident on site or an illness caused by hazardous exposure at the job site—both of which could put employees out of commission until full recovery is achieved.

Final Thoughts

Creating a construction workforce service is a great way to profit from the booming construction industry. By recruiting qualified workers, providing them with the necessary certifications and business permits, and obtaining insurance for workers’ compensation, employers can ensure that their employees are prepared to take on any job safely and legally. In addition, it will help ensure that projects are completed correctly and on time. With careful planning and attention to detail, anyone can build a successful construction team.

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