Going Through a Divorce: What to Prioritize

A couple in a divorce process
  • Finalize finances, including assessing assets and debts, calculating income, and considering tax implications.
  • Prioritize custody arrangements by considering the child’s best interests.
  • Build a new life post-divorce through self-care and emotional healing.
  • Seek professional guidance for complex matters such as dividing property or creating parenting plans.
  • Develop a plan for financial stability to avoid hardship in the future.

Going through a divorce is an emotional and challenging process. It can take a toll on mental, physical, and financial health. According to the American Psychological Association, divorce is one of the most stressful events in life — comparable to the loss of a loved one or a job.

Divorce often brings feelings of sadness, anger, anxiety, guilt, and despair. Studies have shown that emotional distress is common among divorcing individuals; 40-70% of people experience significant emotional pain during their divorce process. Studies also indicate that adults who are divorced have higher rates of depression than those who are married. The risk of developing depression increases during separation or divorce and can last for years after the event.

If you are going through a divorce, you must prioritize many aspects to make it seamless and fast. Here are a few of the most important things to prioritize:

Finalizing Financial Needs

Splitting wealth and assets in divorce

Financial needs are an essential consideration when going through a divorce. Ensuring that all financial matters have been settled before the divorce process is completed is critical. Here are a few steps to consider when finalizing your financial needs:

Assess Your Assets and Debts

Knowing exactly what assets and debts you have during a divorce is essential. This includes taking stock of real estate, cars, investments, accounts receivable, business interests, insurance policies, and other tangible and intangible assets you may own. Additionally, it’s essential to know what liabilities you have, such as mortgages, car loans, student loans, credit card debts, and other bills. Knowing your assets and debts will help you negotiate a fair settlement in the divorce process.

Calculate Your Income

Knowing your income is also crucial for the financial aspect of a divorce. You should create an accurate budget of your necessary expenses, including rent/mortgage payments; utility bills; insurance premiums; food costs; childcare costs; medical fees; automobile expenses; entertainment costs; and any other recurring expenses that you may have each month. Considering these details can help ensure both parties receive their fair share of income.

Consider Tax Implications

Tax considerations are another essential factor to take into account when divorcing. Knowing how to file taxes correctly can significantly reduce the amount of tax one pays in both the short-term and long-term following a divorce agreement or court order. In some cases, hiring a CPA or tax attorney specializing in family law may be necessary to ensure proper filing procedures are followed and taxes are paid accordingly between both parties involved in the divorce case.

Develop A Plan

Finally, divorcing parties must develop a plan for post-divorce financial stability to adjust accordingly after their marriage dissolution proceedings are finalized. This plan should include identifying sources of income, creating an emergency fund, and establishing savings goals for retirement planning or college funds for children from previous marriages. It would be best if you also considered making budgets for everyday living expenses such as housing or groceries in the future so individuals don’t find themselves in financial hardship post-divorce proceedings.

Prioritizing Custody Arrangements

Maintaining child custody arrangements

Custody arrangements are essential when going through a divorce, as this can have long-term effects on both parents and children. Divorcing parties must prioritize custody arrangements when deciding who will gain custody of their children. Legal custody is the parental right to make decisions regarding education, health care, and other essential aspects of a child’s life. Physical custody involves the parent having the right to live with the child during times agreed upon in an arrangement between both parents.

When determining who has legal or physical custody of a child after divorce, the child’s best interests must be considered. The court may use criteria such as what is in the child’s best interest, which parent can provide a more stable home environment, and which parent can provide better financial support. In some cases, joint custody may be awarded if it is thought to be in the child’s best interest.

Divorce attorneys can help guide couples through navigating these complex issues related to custodial arrangements and other aspects of divorce law. A knowledgeable attorney can look at all factors involved in your particular case and assist you in understanding your rights and what may be in your best interest when negotiating an agreement between both parties involved in a divorce proceeding. They may also suggest alternative solutions for families dealing with complex matters, such as dividing up property or debts acquired during the marriage and developing parenting plans for those seeking joint custody of their children after they divorce.

Building a New Life

Finally, it is essential to prioritize building a new life post-divorce. This may include finding time to heal emotionally and physically from the divorce process. It can also involve seeking counseling or therapy if necessary. Additionally, it’s essential to build a strong support network of friends and family for emotional guidance during this challenging transition in life.

Moving to a new home or city may also be a priority to start fresh and create a unique environment for yourself. Finding new hobbies or activities that bring joy can also help individuals rebound from the stress of divorce proceedings.

Finally, it’s essential to remember that building a new life after a divorce can take time, but having patience and focusing on taking care of oneself will lead to better results in the long run. Self-care is the key to a successful transition into a new life post-divorce.

Final Thoughts

By following these steps and prioritizing what matters most, you can ensure that your divorce process proceeds as smoothly and quickly as possible while allowing you to move on with your life after the proceedings are complete. Taking care of yourself and seeking professional guidance can go a long way in helping you reach reconciliation with yourself during this trying time in your life. With patience, understanding, and self-care, it is possible to create a brighter future after divorce.

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