Handling Internal Conflicts in the Office: How to be Fair

Man screaming at a woman in the office

Internal conflicts in a company can be detrimental to the productivity and workflow of the office. These disputes can often hurt feelings, arguments, and even lawsuits. In most cases, these disagreements arise from a lack of communication or frustration with one’s job.

Most internal conflicts end up poorly for both sides. The employees involved usually feel resentful towards each other and the company, while the company itself suffers from a loss in productivity. These disputes can even lead to legal action taken against the company in some cases.

Companies need to plan to deal with internal conflict before it arises. By being proactive and having a system to handle these disagreements, businesses can avoid many negative consequences. Here are a few key things that companies should do to deal with internal conflict effectively.

Encourage Open Communication

One of the best ways to prevent internal conflict is to encourage open communication in the office. Employees should feel like they can speak up about their concerns without fear of retribution. This open communication will help identify potential conflicts early on and allow them to be dealt with before they escalate.

Companies can encourage open communication between conflicting sides by establishing clear rules and expectations for communication. Employees should be aware of what is considered acceptable behavior when discussing disagreements. It will help to prevent hurt feelings and misunderstandings.

Another way to encourage open communication is to provide employees with outlets to express their frustrations. It could be in the form of a private forum, such as an online message board, or a physical space, like a break room. It will allow employees to communicate their concerns without fear of retaliation.

Most internal conflicts could disappear when both parties talk it out. If you try to sever the line that prevents them from overcoming their disagreement, tensions might rise further instead of deescalating.

Create a Mediation Process

Many times, companies can resolve internal conflicts through mediation. Companies can avoid many negative consequences of these disputes by having a process in place for employees to mediate their differences. This process should be designed to be fair to both sides and allow for an acceptable resolution for both parties.

A mediator talking to two employees in conflict

The first step in creating a mediation process is to appoint a neutral mediator. This person should not have a vested interest in either side of the conflict and should be unbiased. They will help facilitate the conversation between both parties and help them agree.

The next step is to establish ground rules for the mediation. These rules should create a safe and productive environment for both sides. It will help prevent the situation escalating and allow both parties to feel heard.

Once the ground rules are out in the open, the mediator will meet with both sides separately to understand their perspective. After hearing both sides, the mediator will help them reach a fair agreement for both parties. This agreement should be put in writing and signed by both sides to avoid any future disputes.

Use Conflict Resolution Training

One of the best ways to deal with internal conflict is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Companies can do this through conflict resolution training. This type of training will teach employees to identify potential conflicts and resolve them before escalating.

Conflict resolution training will help employees understand their communication style and how others perceive it. It will also teach them active listening skills to better understand the other person’s perspective. These skills will help employees resolve differences before they become a full-blown conflict.

In addition, conflict resolution training will teach employees about different mediation techniques. It will give them the tools they need to resolve a conflict independently. If an employee feels overwhelmed by a dispute, they can use their training skills to fix it.

Conflict resolution training is an effective way to deal with internal conflict. By teaching employees how to prevent and resolve conflict, companies can avoid many of the negative consequences of these disputes.

Providing Legal Assistance

Companies can often resolve internal conflicts through communication and mediation. However, when one party is a victim of abuse or harassment, it might be necessary to hire an employment lawyer. Abuse or harassment is illegal in the workplace, and there should be zero tolerance for it.

Lawyer giving a consultation to employees in a disagreement

When deciding whether or not to hire an employment lawyer, the company should consider the severity of the abuse or harassment. If the abuse or harassment is severe, the company should seek legal assistance immediately. Employment lawyers can help protect the victim and ensure that the abuser is held accountable for their actions.

The company should also work with the employment lawyer to create a safety plan for the victim. This plan should include things like avoiding contact with the abuser and how to get help if needed. Having a safety plan will help the victim feel safe and protected.


Internal conflict is inevitable in any workplace. However, there are ways to prevent and resolve these disputes. Once you determine the situation, you can take these approaches and get out of the situation knowing you made fair decisions.

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